Dialogics of Negation: Gender and Subjectivity
Paper written for and delivered to Paolo Freire as part of a city-wide celebration, The New York City Symposium: “Cultural Politics and Critical Pedagogy," on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
Conceived and written by Tracy Ann Essoglou with The Seminar in Cultural Studies Group for the “Extension or Communication Revisited: Interpretations of Freirian Thought for Communications Thought” Conference - at the New School for Social Research, NYC. December 2, 1991.
Conference Panel: Clifford Christians (University of Illinois, Urbana), Mantia Diawara (University of Pennsylvania), Tracy Ann Essoglou and Angel Shaw (New School for Social Research), Sumita Chakravarty (moderator), Paolo Freire respondent.
The Seminar in Cultural Studies Group: Ken Dinitz, Hazen Reed, Angel Shaw (co-presentor).
Available: http://www.academia.edu/12113192/The_Dialogics_of_Negation_Gender_and_Subjectivity
Instituto Paulo Freire: http://acervo.paulofreire.org:8080/jspui/handle/7891/3451